Steam Mobile App is getting an overhaul that will make it more user-friendly and efficient. The new design will be based on the Android and iOS platforms, and it will include features like a search bar, a list of games to play, and more. The Steam Mobile App has been in development for some time now, and it is expected to be released in the near future. It is important to note that the app is not just for Steam users; it will also work with other gaming platforms. This means that anyone can use it without having to switch platforms. The new design should make using the Steam Mobile App much easier, and it should also be more user-friendly than ever before. It is likely that this update will be released as a free update for all users who have installed the app.

While the Steam Mobile app used to be pretty barebones, this new update has a few new features. One of them is a redesign of the Library view, where you can see your games and even initiate a remote download — that way, if you’re on the go, you can remotely download games and have them ready by the time you’re home.

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You can also search and buy games right from your phone, and the app will also send you notifications whenever a game in your wishlist gets discounted. With these two features combined, you’ll be able to hop on a deal immediately, even if you’re away from your gaming PC.

We also have some security additions. These include QR code sign-in, letting you log into your Steam account by scanning a QR code with your phone, and two-factor authentication to ensure no one but you can access your account. You can also confirm, or deny, login attempts using your mobile app.

Source: Steam